Week 17 - Autodesk Maya - PBR Metalness

 Week 17 - Autodesk Maya - PBR Metalness

  • Make 1 blog post evaluating chosen PBR software
    • Explain the differences between PBR Metalness and PBR Specular workflows
    • Explain the various Texture Maps (Metalness, Roughness, Diffuse/Albedo, Normal, Ambient Occlusion, and more)
    • Discuss your process for texturing your 3D model
The PBR Sofware I have chosen to evaluate is Substance Painter as I have more experience with this software than any other.

PBR Metalness Workflow more commonly refers to real-time renderers such as Unity, Unreal Engine 4, and Quixel. This type of workflow allows you to alter sliders relevant to the metalness and roughness of a material you're applying to a geometry. PBR Specular workflow is made up of 3 components, these include: Colour, Microsurface, and Specularity, whereas PBR Metalness workflow is made up of: Colour, Microsurface, and Metalness. Metalness maps are only in black and white to show which parts of the material are metal or non-metal, metal shows up as white and non-metal shows up as black. Specular, however, uses colour in the places where metal is. The colour comes from the specular map and not the base colour like it does in metalness workflows. Because metalness uses colour, the map can also show reflectivity alongside the metal/non-metal information. Metalness maps are much more compact, whereas specular maps are slightly more accurate.

Diffuse maps include the shading information, such as ambient occlusion along with base colour etc., however, Albedo maps don't display any shading information. Because the metalness comes from the base color in metalness flows, metalness albedo maps just use the base colour. In a specular albedo map, the reflection comes from the specular map, so the black colours on the albedo map show the metal reflectivity. 


Barber, B., 2021. The Differences Between Metalness and Specular Workflows. [online] Help.poliigon.com. Available at: <https://help.poliigon.com/en/articles/1712659-the-differences-between-metalness-and-specular-workflows> [Accessed 23 April 2021].

Wilson, Joe. “PBR Texture Conversion.” Kinstacdn.com, 2014, mk0marmosandboxoagtf.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/divingmetal01.jpg. Accessed 23 June 2021.
