Week 1 - Introduction to Autodesk Maya

 Week 1 - Introduction to Autodesk Maya

What have I learned so far?

I have learned how to navigate and find creative tools through Maya's viewport, and how to add primitive geometry, manipulate, and adjust these shapes using the following tools:

1) Bevel - This tool allows you to create 2 edges out of 1, however, using the bevel tool on a single edge can cause problems. This is easily avoided if you select an entire edge in full circuit and bevel that instead.
2) Extrude - This tool lets you duplicate the selected face/edge/vertex and extend it beyond its origin whilst maintaining a connection. I had to make sure to commit to the extrude to ensure I did not have left over polygons within the geometry.
3) Bridge - This will allow you to create a connection between 2 or more edges with polygons. 

Using the tools above, I have created a Commodore 64 Controller, I have attached a snip of this below:

I believe I have done a good job on this because I have made sure to combine each separate geometry into a single one and I have bevelled several edges, making them smooth and appear as I believe the controller should. I have also created 2 edge loops, enabling me to extend the edges of the centre of the main body and creating a "seam". As you can see, this model, I believe, closely resembles a Commodore 64 Controller, making my attempt at creating this controller quite successful.

I feel as though I could improve in several areas, including, but not limited to: ensuring there are no disconnected edges, vertices, or faces to allow UV wrapping to allow me to texture the controller, giving it a more realistic look to it - I could have also added lettering to the controller to label the buttons; I believe I could have also made it more slightly realistic looking by ensuring proportions are 100% accurate, such as the large buttons on the back of the controller, however, I did not leave enough room on the surface of the main body, this could have been avoided had changed the sizing before welding the edges and vertices together. 
