Week 10 - Autodesk Maya - Formative Assessment 1


Week 10 - Formative Assessment 1 - Coffee Machine

For this formative assessment, I created a coffee machine. Unfortunately, the topology and edge flow of this coffee machine is quite a mess and resulted in difficult texturing. However, having said that, the final render turned out quite well and was of high quality. I produced 8 renders in total.  
When creating the initial shape for the machine, I followed the blueprints and added a cube in and adjusted the size accordingly whilst extruding where needed. To create the dials, I created cylinders and used several Boolean operations to add or subtract objects from the initial shape.             

This task was a huge challenge for me and it went wrong so often. I had to restart many times and I was left with very untidy topology. I think my renders turned out great, however. I used the EP Curve tool, Revolve, and NURBS to Polygon again to create the wire connecting the machine to the plug, I increased the the number of subdivisions quite a lot to make sure the wire was as smooth as possible. Once I had everything the way the blueprint detailed, I applied materials and positioned everything for renders and increased all of the render settings to get the images as sharp as my Pc could handle.
If I had to do the project again, there'd be a lot I would change; I would make use of the Circularise tool instead of Boolean Operations as this just creates unnecessary mess and an increase in polys. I would also have used a Sykdome light instead of planes and directional lights as these had to be constantly adjusted to get the lighting I wanted instead of all round lighting.
