Week 11 - Autodesk Maya - Organic Modelling


Week 11 - Organic Modelling

This week in Maya, our task was to create a realistic looking hand using the Smoothing tool. This meant that I could create the hand in the form of a low poly geometry and use the "3" key on my keyboard to give me a smooth preview, and if it didn't look quite right, I could press the same key again and go back to the low poly version and adjust whatever needs to be adjusted to make it look more natural and the way a hand is meant to look. 

Because I used the smoothing tool, I could see issues that I couldn't necessarily see in the low-poly version of the model, this also meant that any ngons that were hard to see in the low, were very obvious in the smooth preview, therefore making them much easier to fix. Creating an organic model in this way is really great in the way that they need to be high poly to get the details that you just wouldn't get a lower poly version of the same model, and it would look quite "boxy". I modelled this hand based on pictures I took of my own hand, and I wanted to go for a fairly complex model as I wanted to push myself, so I posed my hand in a way I thought might present as a challenge when modelling, and it did, so I'm quite pleased with the outcome to say how long it can take to get things just right when previewing the smooth model.

The feedback I got on this model indicated that the thumb was off just a little bit, and I was told I needed to rotate it just a bit more, and I'll bear this feedback in mind for future organic models. Overall, I'm very happy with how this turned out and I'm so glad I challenged myself to do a pose that I believe most would not try.
