Week 8 - Autodesk Maya - Whiteboxing


Week 8 - Whiteboxing

Whiteboxing is used concept art as a preliminary example of a 3D environment. This is useful because you can map out where things in the environment will go and you can get the size ratio you want. It's really simple to make and you can get incredibly effective results. This week, I created my own whitebox scene of a city with some skyscrapers and apartment blocks with 3 high quality renders.

Whiteboxing was really easy to get a hang of and fun to do as it's mostly just cubes with extrusions. I also used the EP Curve tool and the Revolve tool to create the park bell, I then used NURBS to Polygon tool to convert the bell from NURBS to a polygon. I enjoyed this project but I think I could've improved it quite a lot. When creating the buildings, I duplicated a lot rather than creating entirely separate buildings, and when I created the bell, I didn't attach it the bell tower, I placed it inside the ceiling of the building, but they're separate objects. I found this more challenging than I thought I would, not because the skillset to create the buildings and all their various quirks wasn't there, but because creatively there's a lot to think about when creating an entire environmental scene.
